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August 24, 1991 - August 24, 2014


          Dear Friends!


          The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and all its member organizations extend greetings to the Ukrainian Canadian community and all those celebrating the anniversary ofUkraine’s independence.

          The road to an independent nation was arduous and hard-won, but an unwavering belief in democracy, justice and a brighter future is what enabled the citizens ofUkraineto achieve freedom. Having endured centuries of foreign occupation and oppression, the will of the Ukrainian people was finally realized on August 24, 1991, when the Parliament of Ukraine restored independence and declaredUkraine's territorial integrity.

          The true significance of what it means to have an independentUkraineand one free from foreign occupation is plain for all to see. Today,Ukraineagain stands at the forefront of the battle for national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Even as we celebrate the living dream ofUkraine’s nation - its rebirth and freedom - we also bow our heads to honor its best sons and daughters who have fallen during the Maidan confrontation and now sacrifice their lives in the fight forUkraine.

          Recent events inUkrainehave clearly shown that only in unity of action, can the Ukrainian people further succeed in building a free, democratic, and spiritually richUkraine, one that is politically and economically integrated in global community. And asUkraineaddresses the challenges of the future with hope and optimism, we also reaffirm our support the ideals which unite Ukrainians – independence, freedom, dignity and Euro - integration.

          So, dear Friends, let us be united in our efforts to support the people of Ukraine in their brave fight for sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression and help in developing a strong, free, independent and prosperous Ukraine.



With respect and best wishes,

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Paul Grod, President





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