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By Lesia SHYMKO, special to The Day, Toronto


        “Western leaders need to listen to what Yevhen Marchuk has to say.” These are the words that General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, repeated to politicians and newspaper reporters during his recent visit to Canada.

        Both General Wesley Clark and former Ukrainian Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yevhen Marchuk were in Toronto, Canada at the invitation of the International Council in Support of Ukraine, headed by its president, Yuri Shymko, a Canadian parliamentarian and former president of the Ukrainian World Congress. Founded in 1967, the ICSU is an international coordinating body that promotes government policies and international projects that strengthen and protect Ukraine’s democracy, security, and independence. Yevhen Marchuk was honored by the ICSU in the presence of over 400 guests, including Canadian and American community leaders, military officers, religious leaders, journalists, and politicians. The event took place at a historic Canadian venue, the Old Mill Hotel and Conference Centre.

        The Honorable Yevhen Marchuk received the ICSU “Nation-builder Award” for his efforts to enhance Ukraine’s ties with the North Atlantic alliance and build a democratic and secure Ukrainian state. The crystal award was presented to Yevhen Marchuk by the President of the International Council in Support of Ukraine Yuri Shymko, Head of the Canadian Council in Support of Ukraine Oleh Romanyschyn, Head of the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women Lesia Shymko, and President of the League of Ukrainian Canadians Orest Steciw. Official greetings were received from the Prime Minister of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Rona Ambrose, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, the Hon. Stepan Poltorak, the Premier of Ontario, the Hon. Kathleen Wynne, and the President of the Ukrainian World Congress Eugene Czolij. Also in attendance, was the National Hero of Ukraine, Dr. Vsevolod Stebliuk, a hero-medic of the Ilovaisk massacre, who is leading Ukraine’s efforts to modernize its system of medical rehabilitation for veterans.

        In his speech to the Canadian public, Yevhen Marchuk reminded the audience of the many warning signs that should have alerted Ukraine’s Western partners to Putin’s expansionist intentions: instigating separatism in Crimea in the 1990’s; the Tuzla Island dispute; ominous remarks at the Munich Security Conference; Russia’s huge military build-up on Ukraine’s border; and, ultimately, its invasion and annexation of Crimea.

        During his one-week visit to Canada’s largest city, the Hon. Yevhen Marchuk, a former defense minister who is Ukraine’s Special Envoy on Security Issues to the Minsk Contact Group, made several speaking appearances in Toronto and met with representatives of various non-governmental institutions and journalists. At the invitation of the Canadian Forces College of Canada’s Department of National Defense, Mr. Marchuk, delivered an address to the senior officers of the National Security Program. Yevhen Marchuk presented the audience of international senior military leaders and select public servants with a high-level overview of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the implications for NATO. After delivering a profoundly insightful speech, Mr. Marchuk received a standing ovation from the officers. Following his lecture, Yevhen Marchuk, who currently co-chairs the “Ukraine in NATO” Citizens’ Initiative, was invited by Brigadier General Kevin Cotten, Commandant of the Canadian Forces College, to be the guest of honor at a luncheon with senior officers representing various nations participating in the National Security Program. Among the nations represented were Canada, the US, Australia, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the UAE, Israel, Poland, Jordan, Afghanistan, and others.

        One of the most important highlights of Yevhen Marchuk’s visit to Canada was the interest in Ukraine that Marchuk generated in the Canadian media. In addition to his radio appearances, Yevhen Marchuk was featured in Canada’s national print media. The December 12 weekend edition of Canada’s leading newspaper, The National Post, featured an in-depth interview with Yevhen Marchuk. Relying heavily on Marchuk’s comments, the article provided a comprehensive analysis of the threat to international stability posed by Vladimir Putin and focused on the strategic role played by Ukraine.


        Today, as it protects its territorial integrity and the shared European values of freedom and democracy, Ukraine has become NATO’s first line of defense. That is why, it is essential that the leaders of the Ukrainian Diaspora, together with Ukraine’s political elite, its journalists, and non-governmental organizations, continue to work together to defend Ukraine’s strategic interests. To succeed at this, Ukraine must engage its best statesmen. That is why, public figures, such as Yevhen Marchuk, who have the requisite political experience and foresight, have an integral role to play in defending Ukraine’s security interests on the world stage.


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